Sunday, May 14, 2006

Why EnerTek? Why Now?

Why another blog?

This is my Mother's Day gift to me. Years ago, as a freshly minted B.U. journalism grad, I wanted to be an energy writer. Now I can be, if only for a limited audience.

Energy and green tech have come back into fashion, driven by oil prices that we couldn't have dreamed of when I interned at various energy concerns in the early '80s. As I read to get more current on the latest in energy and green developments, I'm encouraged by signs of progress, and saddened at how little real progress has been made during the intervening 20 years when I've focused primarily on enterprise software.

The time feels write to start an energy blog:
  • Because the VC community has gotten on the bandwagon
  • Because MIT kicked off its Energy Research Council on May 3rd
  • Because when Vanity Fair publishes a green issue, you know the topic has seeped into the public consciousness
These may be rather random bellwethers, but they tell a story of a growing public awareness that we can't keep consuming energy like there's no tomorrow. Or there won't be.

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